Supporting Creators of Color

We stand in solidarity with communities of color in the fight against systemic racism and racial injustice.

The Cosynd Creators of Color Grant provides creators with free premium accounts that can ultimately save thousands in legal fees related to copyright ownership. If you are a creator of color in need of financial assistance you can apply here.

In addition to our ongoing efforts, we've organized a collection of tools and resources that you can use to support the movement. Whether it's educating ourselves, donating, or advocacy, there are steps we all can take to create meaningful change - it's on us.

Signing a petition is the fastest way to add your voice to the conversation.

There are a number of ways that you help the effort to defeat systemic racism. From petitions to protesting, we've compiled a list actions and resources that you can use to show your support today.

  • Common Cause - Add your voice to the conversation by learning how to contact your local, state, and federal representatives. You can also view the legislative actions and donors that your representatives are associated with.
  • Safety Guidelines For Protestors - If you are protesting, follow these guidelines for doing so safely.
  • Pro Bono Legal Aid & Other Services - A list of firms providing pro bono legal aid to protestors organized by city and state.
  • Cash Bail Funds - A list of organizations providing financial support for peaceful protestors that have been arrested.
  • Letters for Black Lives - Talking about race can be difficult. Letters for Black Lives makes having that conversation with our loved ones easier in various languages and with regional context.

Resources to act now

Supporting businesses owned by people of color also means supporting the growth of communities of color. Using the resources below, you can support creators of color directly.

Support Black Musicians

Support Black Craftspeople

Support Black Owned Book Stores

Support Black Theater