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Get started with Cosynd

Join Cosynd today to save time, money, and energy in your legal workflows.

Copyright Registration


Per Registration

File your copyrights with our support from preparation, review, & e-filing, to handling of correspondence with the U.S. Copyright Office.

Copyright Agreement


Per Agreement

Build, negotiate, redline, and e-sign various copyright agreements with your collaborators using Cosynd's unique step-by-step process.

Premium Membership



Create unlimited copyright agreements and file up to four registration applications for FREE (just pay federal filing fees) for a full year.

Need help?

Need help determining which plan best fits your copyright needs?

We're happy to help.

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Split Sheet



Get Started

Quickly create unlimited copyright split sheets to document ownership percentages with your collaborators, for all of your content.

Split sheets are simple one-page agreements that can cover ownership of all of your content (music, videos, images, literature). Split sheets do not cover what your collaborators can (or can't) do with your content.

Let us do the math

Not sure how many applications you need to file to protect your work?

Use our easy application calculator to help you determine exactly how many applications you'll need when filing with Cosynd.

Cosynd for Business

Need a custom solution for your business?

From automating custom legal documents, auditing and executing catalog registrations, and managing ownership changes for newly acquired assets, Cosynd can help take those necessary, but tedious, tasks off of your plate.

Have questions?

Find all your answers on our help page.

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